Forest Lodge Public School

We Pull Together

Telephone02 9660 3530

School Dates and Times

Before and After School Supervision

Before School

The playground is supervised from 8:30am each morning. All students must be on the Primary Quad and COLA during this time unless enrolled in FLASCA or in another supervised activity. 

  • School hours are from 9am to 3pm. The bell goes at 9am to ensure school can start on time. Students should be collected at 3pm.
  • Students late to school should be accompanied by a parent or caregiver to the front office so their arrival time can be recorded. Students are late once the classes have gone inside. Please be aware that children are required by law to attend school between our opening hours of 9am and 3pm.  Reasons for being repeatedly late such as "slept in "or "no parking/too much traffic" do not have to be accepted by the school. Students should only be picked up early in exceptional circumstances.
  • Entry to the school during school hours is via the Foss Street gate near FLASCA. Please close the gate as you enter and leave.
  • Students should not be in the playground before 8.30am as supervision begins at 8.30am unless attending a school supervised activity eg choir. 
  • Bikes and scooters are to be walked through the playground and parked in the bike parking behind the primary equpiment for the day. They can be collected at 3pm and walked out of the school. Helmets should be worn by bike riders.
  • If you need to drop your child off before 8:30am, please enrol in FLASCA, our before and after school care provider.

After School

Students should leave the school grounds as soon as they are dismissed at 3pm.

  • Students who have not been picked up are to go to the office until they are collected or the teacher on duty takes them to the office.
  • Students going to after school care are to go directly to their meeting areas and must remain in the care of the supervisors.
  • Bikes and scooters are to be walked out of the school. Helmets should be worn by bike riders.
  • The Charles Street gate is locked at 3:20pm. Families who leave through this gate are asked to leave by this time. Students playing on the infants equipment during this time must be supervised by a family member or carer. There will be no teacher supervision in this area after 3pm. 

Bell Times

Morning session

9am - 11am


11am - 11:20am

Middle Session

11:20am - 1:05pm

Eating Time

1:05pm - 1:20pm

1st Half Lunch

1:20pm - 1:40pm

2nd Half Lunch

1:40pm - 2pm

Afternoon Session

2pm - 3pm


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2025 Term Dates

Term 1 

Thursday 6th February - Friday 11th April

Term 2

Wednesday 30th April - Friday 4th July

Term 3

Tuesday 22nd July - Friday 26th September

Term 4

Tuesday 14th October - Friday 19th December