Forest Lodge Public School

We Pull Together

Telephone02 9660 3530


Every day matters for your child’s learning. Parents play an important role in ensuring students get to school and stay in school every day.

The more time your child attends school the greater their opportunity to learn, create social connections and improve their wellbeing. 

Why Attendance Matters

Your child may fall behind in their subjects and this can have an impact on their learning in the long term.

Missing school for students means missing assignments, time with friends, an important math lesson or getting picked for a sports team.

All Australian school-age children are legally required to attend school every day. Read more about compulsory school attendance.


This year one of our school's Big Rocks is attendance. In particular, being late in the mornings.

  • Be on time everyday
  • If you are late, come to the office with an adult
  • Avoid specialist appointments during the school day or as late in the day as possible
  • Pick up is at 3:00pm, if you are running late please call ahead to the office so the classroom teacher can send your child to the office or FLASCA. Students will be taken to the office after 3:10pm.

Must have missed that day?

Time with friends, assignments, an important math lesson or getting picked for a sports team – we don’t want any one of our students missing out. Days missed here and there add up.

With regular school attendance your child will have the best opportunity to learn and improve their wellbeing. We are here to support your child to be ready and engaged for school. Please contact us if you need any assistance with your child’s attendance.

Visit the Every Day Matters webpage for more information and resources.

A reminder that planned travel should only be taken during school holidays and students should be at school every day during school term, right from beginning to end. Travel in Australia and overseas of 6 days or more requires the  completion and approval of an Extended Leave Form prior to departure.

Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but absences add up. Every day matters and we are here to support all students in attending and engaging with their learning every day of the term.

What you can do

Building positive attendance habits

You can help build positive attendance habits by: 

  • helping your child learn the importance of punctuality and routine

  • making sure your child arrives on time from the start of the school day, ready to take part 

  • reducing disruption to learning where you can, by planning any necessary appointments outside of school time 

  • contacting your school to explain any absences (within 7 days of the first day of any absence) 

  • making sure any holidays or medical appointments are taken outside school hours

  • working with the school to encourage and support regular attendance. 

Reasons for missing school

Being absent, late or leaving early

  • If your child misses school for any reason, please contact the school within 7 days to explain why.

  • If your child needs to arrive late or leave early, please notify the school.

  • If you have difficulty getting your child to school on time every day, please also contact your school. School staff are here to support you and your child to help them come to school.

School Refusal 

Learn more about School refusal here

If you are concerned about your child's attendance at school or any other issues that may affect their attendance please speak with the school. It is important that schools and families work together to find solutions to improve attendance.

Information for Families

Learn more about the importance of regular attendance and how to support your child.
Read more

School Attendance Policy

Read more