Forest Lodge Public School

We Pull Together

Telephone02 9660 3530


Seesaw is being introduced at Forest Lodge as a platform to share and celebrate students' work and successes in and out of the classroom. 

You can connect to your child's classroom through the QR code or link provided by your child's classroom teacher.

Students can upload their work to their Seesaw journal and comment and reflect on their learning. Teachers can post announcements, photos or lessons for students and families in Seesaw. Families can view, like and comment on student work, message teachers and engage with whatis happening in the classroom. 


While Seesaw does have a messaging function, families are asked that they continue to use the appropriate channels to communicate with the school.

For urgent messages, please call the school office on (02) 9660 3530 

Student Journals

Students (with family permission) can post photos or videos of work they are proud of in their student journal. Students will do this at school during lessons and should not be posting work done at home in their journal unless asked to by their teacher. The frequency students post in their journal will vary each week.


Teachers will post announcements in Seesaw from time to time. These announcements will usually be related to learning done in class or photographs from special days or events.

Families should continue checking Sentral and reading the school newsletter to keep up to date with important information and reminders.

Log in to Seesaw

Help Centre

Download the Seesaw Parent app