Forest Lodge Public School

We Pull Together

Telephone02 9660 3530

Additional homework options

If you would like your child to engage with additional learning at home, you may like to use some of the resources below. 


Students should be reading rich texts every night. Reading helps students to improve fluency, comprehension and vocabulary.  Use the links below to find information and recommended texts to help you with supporting reading at home. 

Asking good questions to enhance comprehension

Reading and comprehension skills

Help for struggling readers

English A-Z

A glossary of more than 350 definitions of commonly used English terms used in primary and high school.
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Maths will help prepare your child for life and work in the 21st century and to meet the needs of communities they will come to engage and lead.

Maths will help students better adapt and succeed in any career, especially in jobs playing a transformative role in our future society.

As a parent or carer, you play a vital role in how your child thinks and feels about maths. Even if it wasn’t your favourite subject when you went to school, maths is all around us.

Explore some of the resources on the Maths Trains Brains page.

Maths A-Z

Straightforward explanations and illustrated examples of maths terms used in the classroom.
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Health and Wellbeing

Health, physical activity and wellbeing is extremely important for children. Encouraging your child to engage in sport or practise mindfulness is a great option for an after school activity. 

Grow Your Mind offers great resources for mental health and wellbeing.

Explore articles and advice to help manage common health and wellbeing issues your child may face at school and at home.

The Flodge Flyers are a running group organised by the P&C. The Flyers meet on Friday mornings in Jubilee Park from 6:30 - 7:45am.

K-2 Students

K-2 English Learning Resources

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K-2 Maths Learning Resources

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Everyday Learning

Every day learner cards:

  • provide 10 different activities that families can play with their children at home
  • explain the activity along with the learning that is happening throughout it
  • provide some alternate play experiences to achieve the same learning.